I am a software engineer with a research background in computer graphics, 3D scanning, and geometry processing.
since 10/2024 | Senior Software Engineer, KLA, Dresden, Germany |
03/2020 - 09/2024 | Team Manager and Development Engineer, IAV GmbH, Ingolstadt, Germany |
02/2019 - 01/2020 | Postdoctoral Research Fellow at UBC, Digital Geometry Processing (Alla Sheffer) |
10/2014 - 01/2019 | Research Associate at TU Dresden, Computer Graphics and Visualization |
10/2018 | Conferment of doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) |
07/2016 - 01/2017 | Research visit at New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (Daniele Panozzo), Fellow of the German Academic Exchange Service |
2009 - 2014 | Studies of Media Computer Science at TU Dresden |
Teaching at TU Dresden
I lectured the following courses:- Computer Graphics I (real-time rendering, geometry processing, optimization problems): Winter term 2017
- Computer Graphics I: Winter term 2018
- Computer Graphics II (Implicit surfaces, articulated objects, rigging, skinning, subdivision surfaces, structured light scanning): Summer terms 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018
- Computer Graphics III (physically based rendering): Winter term 2015
- Research Directions (structured light scanning): Summer term 2015
- Highly parallel computation of simulations with CUDA and OpenCL (introduction to OpenGL and CUDA interop): Winter terms 2014, 2015
- Practical courses with focus on mobile AR (summer term 2018), distributed VR games (winter term 2017), AR in fabrication (summer term 2017), cross-scale visualization (winter term 2015)
- Introduction to computer graphics: Summer terms 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
- Scientific Visualization: Winter terms 2011, 2012, 2013
- 9 undergrad students
- 2 Master's students
- 2 PhD students (informally)
Toolökosysteme - Effiziente Entwicklungsprozesse trotz Werkzeugvielfalt
Nico Schertler, Kai Braunias
ATZextra 01/2023
[Springer Professional] -
PolyFit: Perception-aligned Vectorization of Raster Clip-art via Intermediate Polygonal Fitting
Edoardo A. Dominici, Nico Schertler, Jonathan Griffin, Shayan Hoshyari, Leonid Sigal, Alla Sheffer
Project Page -
Front2Back: Single View 3D Shape Reconstruction via Front to Back Prediction
Yuan Yao, Nico Schertler, Enrique Rosales, Helge Rhodin, Leonid Sigal, Alla Sheffer
CVPR 2020
[PDF] -
High-Quality Mesh Generation from 3D Scans for Surface Analysis, Ph.D. Thesis, 2018
Generalized Motorcycle Graphs for Imperfect Quad-Dominant Meshes
Nico Schertler, Daniele Panozzo, Stefan Gumhold, Marco Tarini
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2018)
[PDF], [Supplemental], [Code], [Slides] -
Field-Aligned Online Surface Reconstruction
Nico Schertler, Marco Tarini, Wenzel Jakob, Misha Kazhdan, Stefan Gumhold, Daniele Panozzo
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2017)
[PDF], [Supplemental], [Video], [Code], [Slides] -
Deterministically Defining Chambers in 3D-Scans of Caves
Nico Schertler, Manfred Buchroithner, Donald McFarlane, Guy van Rentergem, Joyce Lundberg, Stefan Gumhold
International Congress of Speleology, 2017
[Paper], [Poster], [Code] -
Chamber Recognition in Cave Data Sets
Nico Schertler, Manfred Buchroithner, Stefan Gumhold
Eurographics 2017
[PDF], [Video], [Code], [Slides] -
Visualization of Scanned Cave Data with Global Illumination
Nico Schertler, Mirko Salm, Joachim Staib, Stefan Gumhold
Workshop on Visualisation in Environmental Sciences, 2016
[PDF] (the definitive version is available at EG DigLib and Wiley Online Library), [Slides] -
Towards Globally Optimal Normal Orientations for Large Point Clouds
Nico Schertler, Bogdan Savchynskyy, Stefan Gumhold
Computer Graphics Forum, 2016
[Paper], [Supplementary], [Video], [Code], [Slides] -
Global Optimality for Streaming Orientation of Point Cloud Normals
Nico Schertler, Bogdan Savchynskyy, Stefan Gumhold
Poster on Symposium on Geometry Processing, 2015
[PDF] - Improving JPEG Compression with Regression Tree Fields, Master's Thesis, 2014
- Emulation eines Mauszeigers zur Präsentationssteuerung an der Powerwall, Bachelor's Thesis, 2012